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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


Did you ever have a particular teacher in mind who tormented your kids and did nothing to further them along in their education ? Did you ever wonder why the teacher did that ? Why do the school administration always think they know so much ? LD kids are better than alot of kids. Growth Hormone defective kids are too short but they never get the teaches wrath, just LD people do. Let’s show this world what we are made of.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 11/02/2002 - 5:23 PM


Sadly, as in most industries there are people who take a job and stick with it, regardless of whether or not it fullfills them or not… whether they are good and productive at what they do or not… Sometimes, whether it is a cop, construction worker, stock broker, lawyer or teacher, there are people with axes to grind and those poor unfortunates who get ground. Sprinkle in a heavy amount of beaurocracy, protections for the violators, a good old boy network of covering up the failures and violations and there’s a good case for some poor innocent getting the dirty end of the stick.

What galls most of us, although I speak for myself here, is the intentional abuse or neglect of children with needs; be they physical, emotional or educational needs. For educators and administrators who have either tortured or neglected those in need within the system, for what ever the reason or excuse (for which I accept none), there should be hell to pay. Having encountered the ugly side of some teachers and the dark side of a very ugly administration, I am well aware it can skew one’s outlook towards the system as a whole. A few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch for those of us with children and prescious little time to get them the help they need.

We’ve all experienced what a blessing and treasure it is to have encountered a teacher who helps our child, and what a trauma it is to the family as a whole, and to the individual child, when a teacher torments a child.

Perseverence does win in the end.


Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/05/2002 - 1:17 AM


A good friend and I (both parents of dyslexic students) have decided to become the ESE chairs for our local school’s PTA. We want to have meetings with all the parents of new ESE students and hand them a copy of their local rights booklets. I find that parents are largely uninformed about what is available for their students and the schools are the LAST ones to provide any information.

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