Can anyone tell me the activity some presenters use to help parents understand what it feels like to have a learning disability? It involves having to hold the pen in your nondominant hand and write upside down????
I don’t know if it’s a well know activity. Just hoping someone would know…
Re: what it feels like to be dyslexic
The best presentation I have ever seen is Rick Lavoie’s F.A.T. CITY. It is available at some libraries and most definitely available at this site under LD STORE. Talk about an eye-opener and a tear jerker!
Re: what it feels like to be dyslexic
Dear Katie:
The Northern California Branch of the International Dyslexia Association had a kit called “Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Dyslexic” which I purchased at a conference after I experienced it in a seminar. It has activities that simulate problems in: reading, auditory discrimination, visual-motor/writing, fine motor/writing, visual perception/processing, and hearing. It is a wonderful simulation and the kit is very thorouch
I destinctly remember one exercise where we had to trace a star using our dominant hand, BUT while looking at the star in a mirror. It really screws up your orientation. The one for the non-dominant hand has a worksheet of tasks that are to be completed quickly.
The branch’s number is (415) 328-7667. If they no longer produce this kit, contact me to see what we can arrange.
L. Starr
Re: what it feels like to be dyslexic
Check out this web site
Do some og the TRY IT”S
Don’t know about that one…..
Right thim a storie en ths fashun an mak thum
reed itt relly qik.
Time yourself reading the story when it is written
correctly and then give them the same time.
When time is up, whip the papers away from
Then put up questions on the overhead
written in the same ‘dyslexic style’, require them
to copy down the questions exactly as they see
it on the overhead, but move the overhead along
rapidly. Don’t stop for anyone. If anyone asks
to slow down, heave a big sigh, roll your eyes and
ask, ‘are you DONE now?!?!’
Take their papers way as soon as you are done
with the overhead.
Mark every paper with a big RED F and hand
them back, with a heavy sigh.