Let’s say a school is not handicapped accessable. That would be an outrage and a violation of the ADA and the constitution. The fact is your school is not handicap accessable if they are not providing proper service and material for your LD child. Is your child given equal access to all the educational experiences your school offers? What about band, sports, clubs, ect…? Is there remedial music? Are there arbritary restrictions placed on participation in extra curricular activities such as sports that don’t take into account learning disabilities? Courts have ruled that boys can play on girl’s teams and vice versa, wich is completely and totally absurd. Minorities are given a break on civil service tests wich the courts deemed constitutional and anybody with a brain knows thats bull. Schools should be required to prove that they are ADA compliant. It’s about equal access. Can your school demonstrate that they are ADA compliant? The ADA is for the most part a farce and has no teeth but its gums may offer some pressure. It’s like a dog with all bark and no bite you need a shrewd lawyer to put bite in it. How sad.
Ask for the moon and stars from your school and maybe you’ll end up with what’s fair. Even if your demands seem r
idiculous barganing chips are good to have.
We are Americans and we have rights. These rights are guarranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Obtain a copy before it’s banned.
Re: What is the supreme law of the land? Could it be the Con
Seems the founding fathers were more enlightened If you understood anything about Jeffersonian democracy you’d have a clue but obviously you don’t. A society is judged on how it treats it’s less fortunate. LBJs great society is gone. Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER. You school Nazis are just a cog in the machine. Put the mental defective to death, is that it? The constitution has 10 ammendments called the bill of rights. Is afirmmative action constitutional? Was the the coup that Jeb Bush pulled off in Florida Constitutional? Is putting retarded people to death in Texas constitutional? The founded fathers hated tyrants. They killed tyrants like Cornwallace’s army king George’s thugs. The parent of these kid are very responsible. They are responsible for paying your salary no matter how poorly you do your job. They’re children suffer in way you are incapable of comprehending. So Hitler let’s make children with cognitve difficulties 2nd class citizens. Then again maybe we should fire up the ovens so they won’t disrupt your class. There are many dedicated teachers but most of the one’s I know are a bunch of incompetant sadistic whining goldbrickers.
Responsibility!! When are the schools going to live up to their responsibilties ; such as respecting human rights, providing equal opportunity for all students, help those less fortunate, respect the rights and dignity of all students and parents.
There’s a patient bill of rights. We need a student/parents bill of rights.
Anyway teach, iron on that swastika adjust your hood and robe and go to your next county Republican meeting and think of way to defend that moron in the White House. Maybe you should teach in Texas. I understand they have a great schools there and there jails are even better.
Education is an entitlement? In NY children are required by law to go school and their parents pay school taxes and they aren’t getting what they pay for.
Looks like the irresponsible ones are the schools. Kids show up. parents pay taxes. Teachers drop the ball and make excuses just like criminals.
We are Americans and we have responsibilities, too. This business of “rights,” as dear as it is to me, is not carte blanche. The Constitution does not guarantee FAPE to anybody. Education was one of the many areas reserved for state control. What did the Founding Fathers care about educating the masses? Show me where any of them wrote about “civil” rights, FAPE or any of that blarney we hear so often now.
Rights and responsibilities are the same a coin. The two are one. We are eroding our nation with entitlements. Entitlements are those “rights” people are supposed to have w/o any obligation to be responsible in any way. The downward spiral we are traveling began with the federal government getting its hands into the entitlement business. Education has become an entitlement, special ed. is becoming worse.