I started a new thread so you would see this reply easily.
One possibility that I did not see mentioned concerning your child’s significant (apparant) drop in IQ is exposure to toxic metals. While I agree with the other posters in their ideas, metal exposure, especially lead, needs to be ruled out as well.
A recen study involving nearly 100,000 children in 3 major metro areas concluded that lead expsoire was much more prevalent than we suspected and that the arbitrarily established safe level of `0 may actually be too high. Elevated lead levels was strongly correlated with MR and DD’s, as well as speech and reading problems.
I am not saying that this is indeed the source of your child’s stagnation (another way to look at a drop in IQ is failure to keep pace with peers as opposed to losing ground, sort of like a car spinning their tires in loose mud). I do think you should look into any and all possibilities however.
Good luck to you and please let us know what you find out.
Good idea. I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose her pediatrician would be able to do some kind of blood test for that?
Thanks for your insight!