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WRAML - Help Please

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

We recenly had our 10-y/o tested so that we had a better understanding of her current academic standing (we are interviewing at new schools). Our doctor performed the Woodcock-Johnson III (Test of Achievement) and the WRAML. I am not familiar with the last test. Because we needed the results quickly, and our doctor is on spring break with his family, I picked up the test results without being able to talk with him. Could someone help me understand the WRAML? These were her scores:

Picture Memory Visual 13
Design Memory Visual 12
Verbal Learning Learning 9
Story Memory Verbal 6
Finger Windows Vishal 8
Sound Symbol Learning 7
Sentence Memory Verbal 11
Visual learning Learning 10
Number/Letter Verbal 9

Verbal Memory Index Score 91, Percentile 27
Visual Memory Index Score 107, Percentile 68
Learning Index Score 91, Percentile 27
General Memory Index Score 95, Percentile 37

Thanks much for your help!

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/07/2003 - 4:51 AM


I searched and copied an old post of mine which details the individual sub-tests of the WRAML.

Story, Sentence, Number/letter test Verbal memory.
Story: child is read a story and then asked repeat the story with as much detail as possible..
Sentence: child asked to repeat back meaningful sentences.
Number/letter: child repeats back random mix of numbers and letters.

Picture, Design and finger test Visual Memory tapping into visual processing.
Picture: child is asked to reproduce a picture shown to him after a 10-second delay.
Design: child is asked to reproduce a design shown after a 10-second delay.
Finger: repoduce a series of pencil pokes through different windows on a board.

Verbal learning, Sound Symbol, visual learning tap into the ability to recall information that is purely verbal, purely visual, and verbal with visual cue after several exposures. This shows how a child does when they get to reherse information.

Verbal learning - recall a random list of words after a series of four verbal exposures.
Sound Symbol - Pair sounds with abstract symbols after a series of four exposures.
Visual Learning - Recall the placement of abstract desins on a board after four exposures.


Average scores are from 8-12. Your child remembers information presented visually better then when presented verbally. Verbal information is harder to remember when it is presented in big chunks. When given a chance to reherse information your child did fine with information presented either verbally or visually but not when both modalites where combined as in the Sound Symbol sub-test.


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/07/2003 - 3:59 PM


Thank you so much for the information. I have a much better understanding of what they were doing now!

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