Hello. I am a 24 year old college student and have been recently diagnosed with NLD. I was wondering if anyone knew of some classroom accommodations that would be helpful.
Re: Classroom Accommodations for the NLD student
Could you guide me in the area of diagnosis? I am a teacher in KY and have a student who needs to be assessed. Everywhere that I call does not offer testing for adults.
There is a relatively new book on the market called ” Accommdations in Higher Education Under the Americans With Disabilities ACT(ADA)” Edited by Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser. You can go to any bookstore and order it or go to either Amazon.com or Barnes and Nobles.com and order it. It talksbout college accommadations on a wide vareity of disabilities and on one of the pages it does mention Non Verbal Learning Disabilities and accommadations. Also type in the following web site
“http://cie.ed.asu.edu/fall98/roman/roman.htmal and you will find a very informative article which is easy to read on Nonverbal Learning Disabilities.