If you are thinking of becoming a massage therapist, you are probably wondering what the massage therapy school requirements are, What a massage therapist do?
Most massage therapists have some sort of formal training at an accredited school, after which they take an exam and obtain their license to work in this field.
The massage therapy school requirements vary from one state to the next, as each state has different requirements for the training courses that massage therapists must take in order for the school to be accredited.
[b]What Does a Massage Therapist Do?[/b]
Massage therapist’s uses to treat paining, stress, achy and sore muscles using Manual manipulation and some specialized massaging tools and tips. They also promote the general health and a good living life style of their clients. Each state has different types of licensing required for massage therapists. They can offer Variety of services to their clients according to their needs and problems. A study says that consumer visit massage therapists 114 million times each year.