My daughter gets her College books on tape, however recently she had used the Kurzweil Program and was becoming sucessful. I was wondering where I could get her text books on CD’s or computer disks? Anyone know of a service that might have them like that so we can use a recognition software instead of purchasing a new computer setup and scanner? Thanks ever so much.
Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic in Troy Michigan now produces some books on computer disc or cd in addition to the regular tape versions. Actually it should be quite easy now for publishers to make them available rather than continually converting to print and then back again via scanner. Having worked in the publishing industry we did everything to hard drive, but it should be quite easy to convert almost any book to near text (leave enough away from .txt files that symbols and other items are preserved. Perhaps we should lobby for publishers to provide a basic copy to some place like Recordings so they might quickly and easily reproduce copies and not violate copyright.
Anyway, reach them at (I think—they are on the web too). They also have an east coast location, but I have forgotten where.