Are you interested in participating in a study about [b]DYSLEXIA[/b]?
[b]Language researchers at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center are looking for:[/b]
• People who [b]HAVE dyslexia[/b]
• People with a [b]PARENT, SIBLING,[/b] or [b]CHILD with dyslexia[/b]
• People who [b]DO NOT have dyslexia[/b] or any other learning disorders
[b]Information about the Study:[/b]
• This study involves mainly verbal and reading tasks
• Duration: Approximately 2 hours
• Location: Brooklyn College
• Age criteria: between 18 and 35
• Language: learned English before age 5
• Individuals who participate will be compensated $20 ($10/hour)
Please contact me through the forum or email me at [b][/b] if you are interested or would like more information.
Also, feel free to forward this information to potentially interested persons.
[Modified by: DyslexiaStudyNY on November 04, 2011 01:00 PM]