If you are planning on pursuing a degree in massage therapy, there are many different scholarships and grants available to help you pay for your schooling. Some of these awards are available from the school itself, and some are national awards for future massage therapists. The following are thought to be the top 10 scholarships and grants for [url=http://www.massageschoolsu.com/]massage therapy[/url]:
[b]American Specialty Health (ASH)[/b]: ASH provides scholarships usually valued at around $500 for alternative therapy students, including those at massage therapy schools.
[b]Austin Schools of Massage[/b]: This school offers $1,000 scholarships for students in the Clark Foundations Program and the Clark Advanced Clinical Program class, as well as the Dottie Scholarship Fund to help with tuition for students who qualify.
[b]The Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy Scholarship Program[/b]: There are four $1,000 scholarships and grants for massage therapy students at this school each year.
[b]Great Lakes Institute of Technology Medical Careers Scholarship:[/b] This school in Erie, Pennsylvania offers scholarships to qualifying students that equal 25 percent of their tuition cost.
[b]MASSAGE Magazine: [/b] Five $1000 scholarships are given each year to students pursuing a degree in massage or touch therapy at a school participating in the Massage Magazine Schools Program.
[b]Massage Therapy Foundation[/b]: This foundation awards several research grants ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 each year to students and professionals pursuing massage therapy research.
[b]Massage Therapy Training Institute Scholarship[/b]: This institution offers scholarships and grants three times each year to full-time massage therapy students who meet GPA requirements at its Missouri and Kansas campuses.
[b]The Regents Professional Opportunity Scholarship[/b]: There are more than 200 scholarships that range all the way up to $5,000 for minority and disadvantaged students studying for licensed professions such as massage therapy in the state of New York.
[b]The Spa Foundation[/b]: Students pursuing a degree in massage therapy self-help and financial management resources may qualify for awards from this foundation.
[b]Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences Massage Therapy Program[/b]: This New York City school offers three different scholarships in honor of alumni who have contributed to the field of massage therapy.