Hi. I have been cleaning my files, and I found that I saved this:
http://www.coe.uga.edu/ldcenter/r_accomodations.html .
The article is “Accomodating College Students with Learning Disabilities:
How Much is Enough?” ; by Sally Scott; in Innovative Higher Education;
Volume 22, Number 22; Winter 1997.
I wish you all the best, this semester.
I found this, at University of Georgia …….
[quote=”joe.tag”]Hi. I have been cleaning my files, and I found that I saved this:
http://www.coe.uga.edu/ldcenter/r_accomodations.html .
The article is “Accomodating College Students with Learning Disabilities:
How Much is Enough?” ; by Sally Scott; in Innovative Higher Education;
Volume 22, Number 22; Winter 1997.
I wish you all the best, this semester.[/quote]