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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

According to Disability Statistic Center website a sudy for (OCAN) Office on Child Abuse and Neglect it was found that children with disabilities were 2.1 times as likely to endure criminal physical abuse and 1.8 times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children without disabilities, Do you feel this to be true and why or why not?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/26/2001 - 4:21 PM


It would make some sad sense to me. Having raised two LD children, it can be frustrating at times. ADD/ADHD children can be very trying of the patience. The pressures of life often pressure parents into needing their children to move briskly from one activity to another and to be very responsible. It can be harder for children with learning differences to pick up and go, to attend to what’s been said, to follow through, to organize their response, to process the situation…. Those difficulties may sadly cause some parents to “lose it” more often with children who have learning differences.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/29/2001 - 6:12 PM


One of the great things about LD kids is that they really want approval. Sick people can use this desire to their benefit and abuse kids.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/26/2001 - 4:21 PM


It would make some sad sense to me. Having raised two LD children, it can be frustrating at times. ADD/ADHD children can be very trying of the patience. The pressures of life often pressure parents into needing their children to move briskly from one activity to another and to be very responsible. It can be harder for children with learning differences to pick up and go, to attend to what’s been said, to follow through, to organize their response, to process the situation…. Those difficulties may sadly cause some parents to “lose it” more often with children who have learning differences.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/29/2001 - 6:12 PM


One of the great things about LD kids is that they really want approval. Sick people can use this desire to their benefit and abuse kids.

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