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accommodations for everybody

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

… or, another example of college being more accessible than some K-12 situations.
I’m taking a freshman-level Graphic Design course that surveys the software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) and also includes a healthy dose of facts & notes about the production processes (how *do* newspapers get printed? Black & white? Color?)
There are quizzes every Wednesday. These quizzes will be based on our notes. (It’s pretty clear what to write down when it comes to notes, and he’ll occasionally say “write *this* down in your notes.”)
Quizzes are worth 100 points. THey are not open note … unless you decide you need that. Then you check the box that says “open notes” (or somethign to that effect - I haven’t taken a quiz yet), and it costs you ten points on your grade, but you can use your notes.
There is also a ten-point bonus question on every quiz… and last night we were basically told what the bonus question would be (an application of what he was telling us). A motivated soul with absolutely no rote memory ability could figure out how to do the bonus question, take notes accordingly, and ace the test.
With every computer application, you have the option to do more with it for extra credit, too. So, if you’re a hands-on learner… you do more hands-on, you get more points.
This is the same department that has all the schedules and course information online (with the inevitable adjustments throughout the semester posted as they happen), has a “teacher version” (as in correctly done) of all the projects as you go so if you mess up your project in the middle, you can pick it up in the middle and keep going.

Submitted by pattim on Sun, 01/15/2006 - 4:56 PM


I like it…accomodations for everyone. Maybe I should ship my daughter out to your college when it is time for her to go to college!

Submitted by Sue on Sun, 01/15/2006 - 6:22 PM


Mi casa es su casa :-) DOn’t rule it out! If somebody else will organize it, I’d be happen to run the Miss Jones’ Dormitory for Dyslexic Ladies of Distinction :-)

I’m buying a bike gadget ( see ) from a company that might be in your neighborhood, not just in yhour state…

Submitted by KTJ on Mon, 01/16/2006 - 12:01 AM


Accommodations for everybody - also called Universal Design for Learning. What is implemented for students with disabilities can potentially benefit all students.

Great concept and it’s in IDEA 2004!

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