I have a young boy who is 7. I believe he is dyslexic . I’m having an assesment done on Monday but I do not think I could afford the tutor. I was looking into the Barton Reading & Spelling system to help me child. I would like to know if any of you use this system? Have you heard of it? Would you recomend it?
You can look at the reading & spelling system on this website: brightsolutions.us
Please let me know what you think. My email is : [email protected]
Tammy Kirkpatrick :)
Re: Barton Reading & Spelling system
Thanks Janis, I assume that you are referrring to me. :-)
Yes, I use Barton. I think it is a great program. It is possible that you wouldn’t need that intensive a program, so that you could look into Phonographix. The book Reading Reflex provides a good summary of some of the skills required in reading so that alone is worth the price of the book.
I think that Barton is on the pricey side, but IF you need a more intensive program than Phonographix then the price tag is not so bad. You have to consider that the program includes training on video tape. The training tapes are excellent (she is MUCH better in person but that can’t be helped I guess). You don’t have to buy it all at once and you can buy it each level at a time. I think she estimates that the cost per month is about $100. This is MUCH cheaper than a private tutor providing you have the skills to tutor (good phonemic awareness yourself) and good interaction with your kid. However, can’t compare to the $20 (+ maybe some extra materials).
Another possibility at this kids age are some programs emphasizing Phonemic awareness. (The only one I know of for sure is something called PASP from www.proedinc.com) This will give your kid the ability to hear sounds in words etc that may not be taught to your kid in school.
Barton is quite an intensive program that includes a heavy dose of spelling, some fluency, even vocabulary development. It is much stronger on the multisyllable level than PG. Another neat thing about Barton is the emphasis on phonemic awareness.
I would suggest you get the PG book and also the free video from Barton (I think they even pay for shipping). Unless you have a very fast connection I would get the tape.
You can also look up Barton on the search and see some recent posts.
I’d suggest the same for PG but there are thousands of posts maybe.
Good luck.
There is a great tutor here who I’m sure will tell you about Barton. But Barton is very expensive just to use with one child. A much more cost effective idea is to try Reading Reflex to teach the decoding skills. You can then use other materials after that to teach the higher level skills in Barton. But you can’t beat Reading Reflex (Phono-Graphix) at around $10-12 from an online bookstore. You’d need a Parent Support book which will cost between $39 and $59 from the company, Read America, and that’s all you’d need.