My friends son has been an average student. He is 9 years old. This year he failed in all the subjects except for math. The teachers got concerned and had a parent meeting. They think it could be a learning disability. My friends son said that he was unable to understand what the teacher is teaching or goes blank but when his tutor at home teaches he can follow. The parents are concerned too and want to consult him to a psychologist and the school is arranging counselling. My concerns are could it really be LD? Can it be developed in a later age since my friends kid is 9yrs old now? I was talking to to another friend n she was thinking it could be Attention Deficiet Disorder? Can anyone please comment and share their knowledge and experiences with me. I will really appreciate it.
Re: could it really be ld
Agree with what Michelle said and will add that some kids get by on sight word reading through 3rd grade using picture cues and guessing on words they don’t know. Byt 4th grade, they are expected to be able to read to learn, and the number of pictures in textbooks decreases and the text increases. So it could be LD or something else like ADD inattentive.
With this little information it would hard to diagnose over the Internet. One thing that should be ruled out is a medical exam or nuerologist. I’ve seen kids have petite mal seisures that look like ADD. Not sure how to spell this.
Were his grades high for years then all of the sudden low?
Did anyone talk to previous teachers?
Does he have problems in other areas, sports, cub scouts, church group?