I would like to hear from anyone who has been through the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. Did it help? How much follow-up is necessary? Est. costs? Grade Improvement? Confidence factors? Positive and negative comments would be appreciated. Thank You.
Re: Davis Dyslexia Correction Program
What is it? I teach a variety of MLD teenage boys English as a foreign language in Israel. Each class had a variety of disabilities, though their general abilities are well above average.
I have seen divided posts about Davis. A few parents who have put a child through the program are strong advocates. About half or more of the posts I have seen have been from parents who were disappointed in the program. Many of these parents say there was an initial boost in self-esteem and motivation, but there were no lasting improvements in reading ability.
My own conclusion is that Davis probably helps a small number of dyslexics who have spatial orientation problems.
From what I have read, a child who will benefit from the program would get just as much out of a parent using the book at home — rather than spending money on the week-long professional program.
You can find quite a few posts about Davis — both pro and con — if you go to http://www.groups.yahoo.com and join the DyslexiaSupport group. Search the archived messages for “Davis Dyslexia” and you should pick up many old posts about it.