If your child gets confused about directions (up, down, left and right) or has trouble with rhythm/timing you might want to try DDRMAX2 for Playstation2. This is a dance dance revolution game like at the video arcade. They get plenty of exercise and it is a great way to help with left/right confusion and coordination. The best dance pad we have found is a metal pad by http://www.cobaltflux.com/. It is expensive but it works better than the video arcade and the cheap pads slip or start missing steps after a while.
This is a fun way for your kid to get exercise and work on some basic skills that seem to help with eliminating reversals.
Dance Dance Revolution
This sounds fascinating to me. I’m going to make a point to go to a video arcade and check this out.
Could you please tell me more about how this has benefited your child.
You can find out where the nearest DDR machines are in your area by going to http://www.ddrfreak.com/locations/locations.php
I feel like my son is more coordinated, makes hardly any b/d reversals and has a better sense of rhythm since he started doing DDR. I was very surprised that he can follow the arrows making quick moves to the beat of popular songs.
With the Playstation game at home, he can practice frequently and get exercise too. You can get two mats side by side and compete against each other too.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
I just talked to a Dad who purchased Dance Dance Revolution for his 14yo daughter three months ago, soon after they had finished intensive IM. She loves it! He says it’s the first physical activity that she has actually wanted to do on her own.
He said he saw gains from IM, and he thinks DDR produces similar effects to IM. He said that “everything seems to be coming together” for his daughter, especially in math.
My bet is that DDR stimulates sensory integration because it (1) involves simultaneous processing of auditory inputs, visual inputs, and gross motor activity, (2) to a rhythmic beat, (3) with incremental gains in complexity. Since DDR is fun, my bet is also that the hours and hours a child is willing to put into it really pay off in terms of sensory integration benefits.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
>>Since DDR is fun, my bet is also that the hours and hours a child is >>willing to put into it really pay off in terms of sensory integration >>benefits.
Oh, my. I bet it also develops attention skills — especially sustained attention.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
This sounds interesting. My son has done IM and was thinking of doing a refresher but this sounds more amusing which is a big plus. Which system would you purchase to use it on? We don’t have either one.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
We have the Playstation Konami dance pad. It works great, but my kids would like to have a second pad so they can dance at the same time with friends. My kids (and their friends) LOVE it!!! Also, it’s really funny to watch people using it. And the comments the game makes are hysterical.
I recently noticed another product which I’m curious about and am thinking may be good for sensory integration and movement. The commerical (which I only glanced at) shows a kid watching himself on television hitting or puching at things. I think the child had to wear something on their arms and maybe legs and the movements are then superimposed on the television with an interactive background.
One more thing. Does anyone happen to know of a good place to get a wobble ball?
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
I saw an advertisement for this at Target. Said limit one so must be the hot new thing.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
http://www.buynshop.com has a package deal of two BNS X-treme pads (the best pads that are not metal) and a game — very good deal.
A new Playstation2 console seems to sell everywhere for $179 — comes in a plain purple box and is not packaged with any other games.
Playstation is not made anymore, I think, so you would have to buy used. It is a less expensive way to go.
If you have an X-Box, you could wait until November 18th and buy DDR for that game console. However, you would still need to buy at least one pad.
After reading lots of posts and comments about DDR, it seems like a really good idea to buy two pads right away. The games not only provide a competition mode, but two players can work cooperatively on dances — really innovative all-around, in my opinion!
The father I talked to got the DDRMax2 version of the game (I think Konamix is the newest). He definitely recommends doing the lessons before getting into it, as the lessons teach how to place your feet. He started out beating his daughters, but afterawhile they started beating him regularly because he hadn’t bothered to go through the lessons.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
Beth, I forgot to answer your question.
In my opinion, a Playstation2 would be the best way to go. PS2 has a very wide variety of other games that could be gradually added to the system and they tend to be exceptionally good games (but expensive, around $50 each).
PS2 uses a 64-bit technology that provides much better speed, graphics, etc. than the old PS 32-bit technology, so buying PS2 would be a better long-term investment.
X-Box does not seem to have nearly as many games, and they tend not to be as highly desirable as the PS2 games. Also, PS2 has a lot of games that appeal to adults as well as children. PS2 already has several DDR games (Disney Mix, Konamix, DDRMax2, Ultramix, etc.) whereas X-Box will have only the Ultramix starting the middle of this month.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
My son has been itching for a PS2 so it seems that he does know what he is talking about!!! I generally don’t like video games—you should see my son hyper focus—but perhaps this would be a way to please all of us.
Re: DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
We have PS2. We got it last Christmas and chose it because there are more games available for it. Particularly kid’s games.
Beth, I’m going to have to pull out the Target ad. I bet this game is going to be one of those crazy things you have to line up for and call daily to see if they got a shipment in. Like Furbys were!!!! What a nightmare.
Nancy, a wobble ball has a large flat round disc with a hole in the middle. Underneath the hole sits a ball. The person using it stands on the disc which balances on the ball. I believe DORE uses these.
DDR Dance Dance Revolution and directionality and rhythm
This DDR game is really good for kids to excercise and also to get to know new people. I recomend that parents should introduce their children to this game. I personaly have been doing it since i was 13 and now im 18 and in the best shape of my life. It challenges children and teens to get better and occasionaly there are tournaments for this game that also has kids striving to better, heck i’ve won 300 on a tournament, just for doing something that i love, it’s real inexpesive if you just buy one of the metal pads for your home console, but be sure for begginers that the metal pad has a bar in the back portion of the pad to hold on to just in case.
The BNS Ultra DX-Xtreme pads are supposed to be almost as good as metal pads, and they are considerably less expensive. I think the only place to buy them is at http://www.buynshop.com/ (I have heard it’s best not to buy pads on eBay, as they tend to be seconds that may not work as well or last as long.)
The Disney Mix game is supposed to be the easiest game for beginners, although many of the others have beginner modes too.
I agree that Dance Dance Revolution looks very good — for adult exercise as well as child exercise! Some of the DDR games have workout modes (tracking calories used, etc.). I think it would be great therapy for children with directionality and/or rhythm issues, not to mention problems with weight or aerobic exercise!
DDR works on both Playstation and Playstation2. In mid-November, DDR Ultramix will be released for X-box.
Actually, I want to get DDR for myself! Maybe for Christmas…..