My husband and I just came home from my dd’s triennial IEP review. She is in 6th grade going to middle school next year. Her IQ score(DAS non-verbal test) came in at 143 and her Woodcock Johnson scores were scattered from 95 to 126 (but all within the average range). They also did a CELF and she was in solid 50% for the subtests she was evaluated on(vs. 5% when she first was put on an IEP). Her strengths lie in visual spatial and reasoning. (math) Spelling(85 on subtest) is her weakest and she struggles with oral expression. She has a language disability (CAPD).
Although technically she meets the criteria of LD(discrepancy between IQ and achievement) and could still be on an IEP, we (both parents and team) felt that the services under the IEP really would not benefit her at this time. She is doing well in school, gets mainly As except for language arts. However, we do notice quite a ‘scatter’ in her school work. Lots of D’s, F’s on daily work, but then similar assignment will have an A. She ends up getting an A in the class because her teacher scores them on final results.
Question: Should we have pushed for a 504 accomodations only? I feel like we have lost our safety-net by going off the IEP. She compensates for disability well, but who knows what lies ahead with middle school and high school? She does still have a language disability.