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Evaluation of ability/IQ

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am wondering what the general consensus is toward using the TONI as an ability test for LD placement decisions. We have traditionally used the WISC. Now when the Verbal and Performance scores of the WISC are widely split, we are using the TONI. Supposedly it gives a global IQ without being depressed by poor language skills.Do you feel the TONI is an accurate assessment of global IQ? Is it a logical basis for determining LD discrepancies (since school is highly verbal/language oriented, the Verbal WISC score is going to be much more predictive of school performance.)Any input is appreciated.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 03/14/2001 - 5:00 AM


EMAILNOTICES>noCindy it’s a double edged sword. If a kid with a poor verbal IQ but good non-verbal skills takes the TONI (or newer CTONI) it will give him a wider discrepancy and better chance of service, but without the verbal IQ we don’t know what his verbal learning potential is, and what good goals for learning should be. I tend to lean towards doing whatever gets the kids some service, and not worry much about learning potential, because so many other factors are involved too. -Bob: I am wondering what the general consensus is toward using the TONI as
: an ability test for LD placement decisions. We have traditionally
: used the WISC. Now when the Verbal and Performance scores of the
: WISC are widely split, we are using the TONI. Supposedly it gives
: a global IQ without being depressed by poor language skills.: Do you feel the TONI is an accurate assessment of global IQ? Is it a
: logical basis for determining LD discrepancies (since school is
: highly verbal/language oriented, the Verbal WISC score is going to
: be much more predictive of school performance.): Any input is appreciated.

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