Hello everyone,
I just had to post this information, if for no other reason than being SO happy and EXCITED for my son!
We went to his Neurologist today for an EEG. He had one done last August (one every year) and it was NORMAL for the first time in 13 years!! So we were reeeeeally praying that THIS one would be normal as well……the last one not being a “fluke.”
Anyway, his Neurologist called 5 hours after the test and told me that THIS one was normal as well, and we could begin weaning him from the Tegratol!!
Currently he’s taking 800mg Tegratol daily. Beginning tomorrow he takes 50mg less than usual for one month, then another 50mg less for another month. Then he takes less 50mg three weeks at a time, until finally he is medication free!!
This is HUGE news for us and I’m so excited for him that I can hardly sit still! lol…..another hurdle passed!
We had a thread going a while back about Tegratol and LD. I can’t wait to see if there are any changes in his learning ability when all meds are stopped.
His birthday is August 30th, and exactly one week before that he’ll be completely off his meds!! YEAH! What a great gift!
Now comes the praying that he’ll not have any seizures while off his meds. Wish him luck!
Thank you for letting me share my excitement…..even though it’s OFF topic! :)
I have a few PG questions that I’ll post later…….right now I’m as sleep deprived as Anthony had to be for his test, lol and it’s bed time for bonzo! :)
Re: GREAT NEWS ....EEG! :)
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news. I wish him the best of luck being med-free!!! :-)
I am truly happy to hear your good news, Brenda! That’s one less thing to worry about and that’s good!