My 11 year old daughter has Executive Function delays, specifically output organization. Which means the knowledge is in her brain, it just gets jumbled and she has a hard time getting it out.
She has severe hearing loss,(altho somewhat corrected) and probably CAPD. I only say probably because with hearing loss, the Dr’s cannot test for CAPD. But I know she has it.
Anyways, we just attended her parent/teacher conference and I fear what is to come. They said they make many modifications for her. They’ve offered some, but she doesn’t take them up on any. She wants to be like everyone else, of course. They also said there are gaps in her learning. So, I think, she knows stuff and they think she doesn’t, because they don’t see her Output Organization deficit. They see her as a previously homeschooled child.
I think they don’t understand Executive Function, because they asked me where they can get info on it. They said they want to set up a meeting with the principal, so we can figure how to best help my child. It sounds to me like they want to put her in special ed.
She is extremely social and doesn’t want to be in special ed, without her friends.
I think she has a huge problem with her working memory, so she is being tested by a neurologist next week.
What I really don’t understand is their concern when her grades are all A’s and B’s. She thinks she’s doing well, and why wouldn’t she with those grades. If she is earning those grades because of supposed modifications,
isn’t that their job?? “Appropriate” education.
I’ve been told by her audiologist that because of her hearing loss, a one on one education is best for her. I’d love to homeschool her again, but she wants to be with her friends, of course. It just seems that educationally the public school isn’t the best place for her.
Altho they say they want to help, but they don’t even understand her disorder.
I guess I don’t even have a question.I just saw the heading “Misunderstood Minds” so I had to vent.
I can’t answer your questions….sorry.
I wondered if you could tell me how executive function problems are diagnosed or what the symptoms are….? Any websites you like?