any suggestions to help a Jr. learn, when they are a visual learner and have Non-Verbal Learning disorder? Have already failed high school exit-exam twice and about to retake algebra 1 in summer school?
Re: VideoText
Dear Mary:
Please, I would like to get more information about your videotext
1. How work it?
2. How much cost it?
3. How can I get it?
4. Do you have a free example, to check it according mu students needs?
My e-mails
1. [email protected]
2. [email protected]
Phone (413) 546-0117
Thanks very much.
Some online ideas...
… — click on “math.”
It breaks my heart that so much of algebra is taught as total symbol manipulation, a set of incomprehensible rules to try to memorize. I work with students taking the remedial algebra courses in college… most of them are perfectly capable of comprehending it (*if* we can get past the anxiety and the old habits of looking for a recipe to memorize!)
has descriptions and online ordering, plus you can email them for a demo tape and materials.
algebra often works for kids who don’t do well with other approaches. Website is You can email them for a free demo video and sample materials. It is a very visual approach, employing computerized color graphics for the video portion of the course (rather than a head-and-blackboard approach).
Also, there is an email support group called AlgebraAtHome at with archived messages you can search for comments about it and other learn-at-home algebra programs.
VideoText is expensive, but has excellent resale value either on the AlgebraAtHome list or the vegsource swap boards. The first of the 6 modules covers prealgebra, the next 2 cover Algebra I, and the last 3 cover Algebra II. You can buy just the first three modules, if that’s all you need.
I would think VideoText done at home over the summer would be a lot more useful than summer school.