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How do you tell a parent their child is having problems?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

:?: I work as a para, 7th grade. Just recently my own daughter, 9th grade, was diagnosed with ADD, quickly followed by a diagnosis for myself. But it would have been so nice, if somewhere down the road in her education, a teacher would have recommended having her evaluated, but I know they can’t. If we recommend something to a parent, then the school could be asked to pay for treatment. There must be some way around this. Any thoughts? Marcia

Submitted by MIchelle AZ on Sun, 04/17/2005 - 6:22 PM


Sometimes I say, “If this were my child, I’d get a medical workup to rule out things that we educators are not experts in. There are things that medical doctors can do that we can’t. We are experts in curriculum but not medical issues. ”

This year has been an amazing year for me. I have had 3 students go to behavial optomistrist and they have been found to have tracking problems. I think all LD kids should have this test. Too bad these things cost money. With therapy, much of this can be fixed. I know there is research both ways but……….it is sad that only the ones whose parents cn afford therapy get it.


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