I would like to know what Standard Age Score means on a Cognitive Abilities Test.My daughters scores were 132 ,116,132,130.She is 6 1/2.My other daughter age 7 1/2 scores were 105,98,108,104.My LD son scores were112,107,104,107.He has dyslexia and is 8 years old.
Re: how to read test scores
If you go to the “LD in Depth” section of this website and click on “assessments”, there is a very good article that explains test scores and what they mean. It explains all the different ways scores are reported and how to interpret test results.
Re: how to read test scores
A range of 85-115 is considered average. 85 being low average and 115 being high average.
A standard age score is one of several different labels that have been given to what is called a standard score. It is comparable to an IQ score. I’m not real familiar with the Cognitive Abilities Test but I am very familiar with other tests of cognitive abilities such as the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale which also reports what is termed a Standard Age Score. On tests that use standard scores as a way of reporting a child’s performance a score of 100 is considered an “average” score. I would want to know what the standard deviation of this particular test is to most precisely define the average range. Most tests like this have a standard deviation of 15 score points. That means that a standard age score that falls between 85 (15 points beleow 100) and 115 (15 points above 100) would be within the “average” range. A score below 85 would be “below average” and score above 115 would be considered “above average.” A score of 130 (30 points above 100) would be considered “well above average” and is within a range that is often recognized as “gifted.”
Some tests have a standard deviation of 16. In that case scores between 84 and 116 are considered within the “average” range.