Dear participant,
I would like to invite you to participate in a study to better understand parents’ experiences at the time their child is diagnosed with a developmental disability. In order to participate in the study, you must have a child who was diagnosed with a developmental disability within the past five years, be in contact with the child’s other parent and be eighteen years of age or older. If you have any questions you would like to ask prior to participation in the study, please feel free and contact me, the primary researcher, using the below contact information, at any time. I am a Masters student at San Francisco State University who is performing this study as my Masters thesis.
To participate in this study, complete the survey connected to the link you will find below. The survey consists of various questions that seek to understand your experience you had surrounding the disclosure process. Questions were also developed to seek to understand your present family functioning (i.e., marital relationship and parenting skills). Additionally, questions will be asked regarding demographics of you and your child.
Be assured that all information will be kept in the strictest confidence and that all surveys will be destroyed upon completion of the study. Additionally, keep in mind that if at any time you desire to discontinue your participation in the study, please feel free to do so with no consequence. Thank you.
Andrew Gipson
(650) 504-2190
[email protected]