I am a special ed teacher at a private school. I recently received a new student who had been tested with the WISC III. Her score on the picture arrangement subtest was very low indicating a visual abstraction processing weakness. I’d appreciate any information on activities that will help strenghten this processing.
I also have another student with Figure Ground processing problems. I’d appreciate any information and/or activities that will be effective in teaching this student.
Since it's a private school,
the parents may be willing to take their children to a developmental optometrist for evaluation (see http://www.childrensvision.com for inforamtion about functional vision problems, and http://www.covd.org to locate developmental optometrists in your area). I think that the problems you describe could exist independently of developmental vision delays. However, a developmental vision evaluation would determine this one way or the other.
http://www.criticalthinking.com has two very good, progressive workbooks to develop visual perception skills. I would recommend those for the first student. I’m not sure they would be very useful for a figure/ground problem, though.
I am sorry that I do not know the answer to your question, but it seems to me these children need a developmental vision exam. They may need vision therapy by a developmental optometrist. I’d hesitate to work on that without an evaluation first.