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i need your help

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Dear families, friends, supporters and members of the disabled community:

Your support is needed! My friend, Mike Savory, is walking to Washington DC from his home to send a message to the government that rights of disabled individuals in special education must be protected.

Please read the below and let your voice count. Log on to the website and sign the guestbook and “walk” with Mike!

On May 30, 2002, Mike Savory will arrive in Washington D.C……on foot! He will have walked 90.3 miles from Winchester, Virginia to deliver his message to the government.

Mike Savory in his own words:

“My inspiration and drive comes from my son and my past…I am disabled in many ways, more fortunate than many others, and worse than a few. I have physical, psychological, and neurological disabilities. If need be, I will push a wheelchair so that others may join me. I challenge all who are advocates, disabled individuals, parents, family members and friends of the disabled to take a stand and make this country take notice. Some our children and adults are treated worse than I was treated in the 1950’s and 1960’s. We all have reasons not be there but we all have a big reason to be there - the future of ALL that experience disabilities.”

In these uncertain times in the disabled community, as damaging testimony is being received by the President’s Commission for Excellence in Special Education and the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)will be considered, the rights of disabled students may be in jeopardy.

Mike Savory walks with purpose, each painstaking step toward “freedom for disabled individuals to achieve all that is possible.”

He invites you to join him, if not in person, than in spirit.

Send a message to Washington. Let your voice be heard and counted.

Mike will deliver on behalf of all concerned the following document with your name:

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the rights of the disabled in special education and the community at large. We believe that disabled individuals should have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential and we support legislation that will insure these rights in the future. We “walk” with Mike in his journey to deliver the message that the disabled community, comprised of disabled individuals, parents, families, friends and supporters, stand with Mike when he arrives in Washington DC on foot. Mike Savory does not walk alone.

If you want your voice heard, sign the guestbook by May 26, 2002 and it will be compiled and printed. Mike Savory will carry this treasured document with him on his long journey with dignity and honor.

If you can want to walk with Mike Savory (part way or all the way) or arrive in DC to stand beside him, contact Mike at: mailto: [email protected]

Feel free to copy and paste and share this with other family members, friends, and anybody who is interested in disability rights. Every voice counts!!!

Thank you.
Deb Brown

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