Is anyone familair with Inspiration? A while ago I read some post indicating it may be helpful for organizing writing. I am thinking of purchasing it to help my soon ot be 6th grader with rsearch papers next year. Has any one used it? If so, can you briefkly describe it and tell me if you found it to be helpful?.Is anyone aware of another good software program to help organize writing?
Thanks. LI
Re: Inspiration software?
I also use Inspiration for planning and my kids use it for longer papers. It is a great program.
They have a free 30 day trial download from their website ( and have several sites that provide premade templates and various other forms of support.
Re: Inspiration software?
Compass Learning has a wonderful program called Writing Expedition. I am developing a virtual classroom utilizing this software. Visit our website at Becky Ottinger, Executive Director
Re: Inspiration software?
Inspiration is a very easy program to use and teach to others. The program is very useful in organizing your ideas in a visual manner. Many teachers already do a brainstorming or mapping out of ideas on a particular topic before students write about that topic. Inspiration is just a technological way to do it- and way fun I might add- makes everything look neat and organized. If you don’t have any experience using the software you should really have much trouble- it’s user friendly and most learn just by playing around with it. Just put your topic in the middle and start branching outward.
Joshua Center
You have a wonderful site! The “Flash” intro”; the layout; the colors…great stuff. I am working on my MA in Educational Technology and really critique sites probably more than I should! The creative artisitic side of me tends to pick at things, but Joshua Center site is easy to navigate and fun to look at! A big pat on the back for whoever designed the site!
[email protected] (on-line, but being updated for my MA project!)
I use both Inspiration and Kidspiration (Kidspiration for some of the lower grade level functioning students- easier for them to use, but not as many features- most “move” into using Inspiration by the end of the year-All benefit from better organization) with my students (Intermediate school aged) and find it most helpful. The kids like using it, and can do so independently (after I have spent time at the beginning of the year teaching them the “basics” and then adding a new feature every week or so throughout the school year). They really enjoy creating their own graphics libraries for particular projects. I do combine these programs with some really “hands on” direct instruction about what constitutes a good piece of writing. I feel strongly that both components are needed.
I also use Inpriration to create my own lessons. This way, I can hand the students both a graphic representation of what we are going to be studying and an outline (for note taking). Since I can export this into Powerpoint, the program definitely makes my life easier.
Good luck.
Kay Smith
Good luck.