Hi I need some help with my grandson. He just started kindergarden this year and is haveing some real problems understanding numbers. He counts out loud, and writes them. But he doesn’t know them by site.if you say wright the number 2 or 5 ect. he says he doesn’t know.The school says he has a cummication problem and is going to be testing hem for this. I want to help but am afraid that what I do might make it harder for hem if the teachers do it another way. appricate any help.
Re: My son had same problem
My son who is now 10 and dyslexic had the same problem.
He finally learned his letters and numbers through multisensory ways. Try making the letters/numbers in clay, writing them in sand, finger painting them, writing them in the air and trying to imagine them in different colors. Montessori uses sand paper letters.
It took my son a long time, but he eventually learned them. I would make sure to make it fun with lots and lots of positive reinforcement. Learning should be fun.
The reason my son had such a difficult time with letters/numbers was weak symbol imagery. Even though he eventually learned the letters and sounds, he had trouble recognizing words. Lindamood Bell helped with this with their Seeing Stars program. (Lindamoodbell.com)
Re: learning numbers
A teacher friend suggests repeatedly “writing” big individual numbers (or letters where there exists a similar problem) on the child’s back with your fingertip while simultaneously saying the number. It would probably help if the child could see the number at the same time.
Re: My son had same problem
I just ordered the lindamood bell seeing stars workbooks and visualizing and verbalizing manual for my own son for a slightly different problem that I had linked to a problem with symbol imagery.
I will pass this along to my sister. I think it is exactly what she needs. Thanks!
My niece has this same problem. I don’t have an answer for you. My niece can write the letters but doesn’t know them when she sees them. She will know them if they are written in order for instance she can find C because it is the third one.
She is the same with numbers. I found this strange because she can write her name and her brothers name etc but she can’t tell you the individual letters. If you ask her what a P is she will write it but she won’t recognize a P on the page.
She is also in kindergarten. My sister is terribly worried about her. Anyone?