I am interested in finding out more about the Master the Code reading program. Anyone here use it or have opinions about it.
Re: Master the Code: Opinions
We are on lesson 11 in the MTC program with my 10 year old son. (We completed PACE first. Don’t do MTC unless you first do PACE. PACE not only lays the groundwork for MTC they also introduce a bunch of sounds that then, lead into MTC.) We are almost half way through the MTC program and I am very happy with it. My son is learning a lot about sounds and the tendencies in reading that he never knew before. I do not have any tests results to show improvements in reading (we will do post-tests when he completes all of the lessons.) however, I know and (more important) he also notices, that his reading has improved. This is a big motivator for him to continue the program. I am amazed with how, when reviewing a new sound, he tries out the sound like he is hearing it for the first time. They also teach tendencies, not rules, which he really has learned and applies to his reading. I highly recommend the program.
PACE rating
It has been 3yrs since your son did the pace program. Did he successed ? Are you satisfied w/ the results?
I need infor.
MTC has been around longer than a year
It has been 4 years since I worked at a learning center that uses both PACE and MTC. I learned about MTC before I left. Perhaps it was being piloted at that center but we were using it 3 years ago.
Master the Code is currently an add-on to the PACE program. The child needs to do PACE first in order to gain some preliminary skills and then can proceed into MTC. (Eventually the company plans to make MTC standalone.)
MTC has been around less than a year so there isn’t a lot of data on it yet. In general, I think it’s safe to say that a child who does well with PACE is likely to also benefit from MTC.
If a child’s *only* problem is decoding skills, then you may want to check out Phono-Graphix. PG would be a lot faster and less expensive than PACE+MT to remediate reading. However, PG focuses primarily on decoding and word attack. Website for PG is http://www.readamerica.net
p.s. I am certified in both PACE and PG, and my dd has been through both programs. Dd went through PG before I got my MTC training, so we haven’t needed to do MTC.