Could someone please shed some light on what it means for my son if he is found to be LD?
I recieved a phone call from his teacher and she asked if I wouldn’t mind having him tested by the Child Study Team.
He’s been struggling this year (5th Grade) and I agreed to have him tested. I’m going to a meeting with the team on November 16th. I’m worried about what being “Classified” does for his future?
They sent me paperwork to read and it still doesn’t describe what will happen.
Re: Need to understand
Thanks for the reply. I was surfing the forum and found some great resources. I appreciate your time in replying to my very vague question/concern.
:wink: Terri
Re: Need to understand
I remember what it’s like when you don’t even know enough to know what questions to ask …. keep asking :-)
Re: Need to understand
Sue is the host of a real time chat every Thursday night at 9 pm eastern time at Net Haven.
Please drop on by!
Whew! That’s a big question.
You might want to post it at the “Parents of kids with LD” section, which has a lot more traffic than this one.
Basically, the testing should tell you what his skills are and what his natural aptitudes and strengths and weaknesses are for school stuff — it can help explain *why* some things are hard.
Being “classfied” as eligible for special education means - in theory - that a team will convene and figure out what he needs in order to get an “appropriate education.
In practice it can mean a lot of different things, depending on your school system.
I’ll stop here because it’ll be better to have an active discussion on the parenting board …