My daughter is a senior in high school and has ADHD, is Gifted, but has a graphomotor output problem. She has serious issues with completing her homework and turning in assignments. Although she understands the material and can participate in class, her grades do not reflect her outstanding intellectual ability. We began neurofeedback training last year—unfortunately we could not complete the forty sessions at that time. We have begun again. We did notice that when A. was having the neurofeedback, she was calmer, more compliant, more focused, less moody and less irritable.
We are requesting that the school system pay for the portion of this intervention not covered by insurance, and we will probably have to go to Due Process to get them to do that.
I am interested in finding out whether any other school system besides Yonkers is providing this service.
I am also interested in finding out if any families have done neuro with their children and can tell me the outcomes.