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New Woodcock

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Can anyone tell me if the new Woodcock reading, math and written expression versions are testing with higher or lower SS compared to the WJ-R.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/18/2001 - 2:28 PM


I am finding as I use it that they are about the same. The reading, math and written language tests are not substantially different from the WJR- it is the new tests that are interesting. They have added measures of reading and math fluency as well as making the written language tests (mechanical skills) a bit more precise- though they still don’t address connected writing like the TOWL. There is also the whole section on phonological awareness which is pretty good. The only thing I would like to see them do at this point is to somehow separate out number patterns and vocabulary knowledge on Quantitative Concepts- so that you could have asense of what was appropriate for a given age. The Knowledge section is also changed- but the scores seem to be comparable across most of the students I have worked with. Just a note-The Broad Cluster scores are still derived with the same combinations of tests- Broad Reading is Letter Word and Passage Comprehension, Broad Math is Calculation and Applied Problems, and Broad Written Language is essentially the same.


Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/19/2001 - 3:12 AM


Ditto, I take measures of standard scores each year on all my students to track growth (one measure of growth, that is) and I am finding things to be pretty consistent: students are testing out where I would expect them to, showing steady growth (in most cases). I just love all the new subtests to give me more standardized information.

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