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Object recognition

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi everyone,
I have a child that I really need some help with. He is a fourth grade student with severe object recognition problems. He is unable to consistently remember the letters of the alphabet, and, therefore, is unable to read. He is, however, able to verbally answer questions after he hears a story. I am looking for any suggestions to help teach reading and assist him in his academics.
Thanks so much in advance for your advice.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/22/2002 - 10:02 PM


Try teaching the letters kinestheticaly by having him trace the forms, following the same specific format and direction each time.

Try also, as he is tracing, having him recite the directions. For example, lower-case a is :start at the middle; circle left; back to the middle and down to the bottom. Lower-case b is: start at the top; down to the bottom; slide back up to the middle; and circle right. Lower case n is: start at the middle; down to the bottom; slide up tho the middle, over the bump, and back to the bottom. Lower case p is: start at the middle; down to the bottom and below it to make the tail; slide back up to the middl;e; and circle right.

This will all take a lot of time and practice; get parents on board and work on it steadily.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/08/2002 - 2:39 PM


If you show him a picture of a house can he recognize that it is a house?

I don’t know why kids really need to know the names of letter. It is just rote memorization with no attached meaning. They just have to learn that each letter is a picture of a sound. If they start to look at those squiggly lines and recognize them as pictures of something it holds more meaning to them.

Get the book reading reflex and start him on phonographix.

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