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Question for Dyslexia experts

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone knows if a child who is moderately speech impaired, ADHD, and LD, can also be dyslexic? I know that ALL Language based LDs are not necessarily one and the same with Dyslexia. But even given all my son’s diagnosises, is it still possible that he could have dyslexia as well. Which I believe is a very specific kind of Lang. based LD, that requires a different approach to teaching. Am I correct? If so, are the teaching methods the same for someone with this combination of disabilities and someone with dyslexia? Anyone know?
My son has all the signs of it, but is very low cognitively as well, so he’s been tested TONS, but never as fine tuned as Dyslexia? He’s getting speech amd OT, and resource (Pulled out for sp. ed.) Is it possible the school doesn’t want to add one more specialist? We have a dyslexia specialist, is she trained differently than regular special ed teachers?
Thanks for any information you may have.

Submitted by Mandi on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 10:33 PM


Ummm i would assume that yes your child could have dyslexia as well. I am dyslexic. I have a bunch of other very minor issues… But i am no ‘expert’ on this stuff. But i would guess it would also depend to some degree perhaps on exactly what the other issues are.

I do believe i once read there are several types of dyslexia. And it seems to me there are a number of ways people learn. For example, i am an auditory learner. There are i also do believe many methods to teaching dyslexic kids. If it is reading you are trying to teach, as someone who learned through it, try Orton Guillingham Method. If it is something else…. Sorry i got nothin else to offer you and i will hope that someone else does.

Submitted by JanJ on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 3:27 PM


Thanks for your ideas. I guess because he was labeled with LD, I need to find out which type he is. Because it too, has four or more types. That would help determine what kind of teaching methodogy is best.

Submitted by scifinut on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 11:43 PM


My daughter has a grocery list of LDs. lol Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration difficulties and Irlen Syndrome. It is ALWAYS possible that more than one or two things are going on and each of them needs support in different ways.

Finding out the specific issues my dd had helped us be better able to figure out what she needed to learn.

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