Hello. I am a special ed middle/high school teacher. I want to integrate more classics into my curriculum. Specifically, I am trying to use “Of Mice and Men”, but I cannot find a condensed version. Does anyone have any ideas, or know of a source to get this work? I would appreciate it very much. Please reply to my email address: [email protected]
THanks you,
Tina Hummell
I don’t know of a condensed version either; that could be because it’s considered to have a “readability” of 4-5th grade, tho’ obviously the story is for older readers. (See http://www.renlearn.com/ar/overview/ReadabilityBrochure.pdf )
(In my experience, “readiability” magic numbers are nigh onto meaningless, though.)
I’d consider reading it aloud or showing the movie…