I am experiencing much frustration with the administration of my elementary school. They are insisting we attempt a fully inclusive model based on one workshop they attended this summer. There are many students on my caseload (and others) who are very deficient in reading and writing skills and are simply not ready for this instruction model yet - however - we were told at a meeting Friday that there will be no pulling out of students this year. Help!!!
I’m looking for opinions, research, facts„„,anything I can get my hands on to plead my case and the case of these children who still cannot read and need intensive small group instruction before placement in a reg. ed. classroom!!!
What looks good on paper is not always what’s best for the child.
"Inclusion: Issues and Answers"
click on “for teachers” and go to the inclusion section and read Kate Garnett’s article. It describes the realities of “inclusion” for LD students with systematic observations of participation.
There is a ton of research on the effects of inclusion. Be cautious as to how you define the term as it means many different things to many people. I have not found any research that supports academic gains for children in inclusive settings. The sped field is the greatest opposition to this form of education. Try many of the search engines and list the term inclusion using education in the list. You won’t have trouble finding information. ERIC is a good source.