it looks like it will become a permanent part of my dd’s IEP. After meetiing with her teachers, explaining what the goal was and how we need to work together, they were all for her continued use and expanding it into other areas. She will be provided with a printing station in her study hall classroom so that she can print anything that is immediately needed at school. She’s also going to be using it in more classes where she will have written work.
It was very exciting for her to be able to take a social studies test by herself using the laptop and program. Although her typing is still a bit slow, I’m seeing her building confidence the more she uses it. :)
Re: Speaking of Kurzweil....
Kurzweil is still working great! She is using it in more classes. In Art class they’ve been reading about an artist. The teacher gave me the information ahead of time so it was all ready when the class got the assignment. She loved it. :) She’s also been using it in Science. I’ve got her whole Science text book scanned and ready.
I was able to download Hitchhiker’s Guide from and she is currently reading it for fun.
The really great thing is that Kurzweil has given her so much more confidence that she is even attempting to read things on her own! Her reading out loud is more fluid, she is tracking better and recognizing large words more easily. Its making a huge difference in her life.
Re: Speaking of Kurzweil....
Hurray, we got the new laptop! Its great to have something that isn’t completely slow. This will definitely be helpful. They also gave her a bigger screen - 17”. :)
Re: Speaking of Kurzweil....
Congratulations! That is wonderful to hear. And the fact that your daughter is exciting about reading is the best part of all. To deny her that opportunity has consequences.
Can you give us an update on how your daughter is doing with Kurzweil? Is it still a success? We love to hear success stories!