What would you identify as the characteristics of a student with special needs who has been successfully included in the general education environment? In other words, what components would be appropriate to identify as the criteria that must be present to determine that a student with special needs has been successful in the inclusive environment?
[Modified by: Professor on September 18, 2006 04:39 PM]
What would you identify as the characteristics of a student with special needs who has been successfully included in the general education environment?
I would look for a pattern of academic and behavioral successes. A point often neglected is the present “feelings” of the student toward such placement. When a student, especially a young adolescent, experiences continual frustration and academic failure (or perceived failure) the devastation can last a lifetime. In our zeal to be (nice, fair, American, inclusive, understanding, etc.) we have done a huge mis-service. Successes must be engineered, not concocted from air.