What will you do with your child to help them keep up with their reading skills this summer? We always get so busy. But I know we should do something.
reading for fluency
One summer when our daughter had the skills but needed practice her reading to achieve fluency we shamelessly paid her to read. We set a minimum daily reading time for which she earned a healthy allowance and then we set a ‘finish the book’ incentive - I think we did $10. a book was finished when she passed the quiz at http://www.bookadventure.com/
The same website helped us choose books-she set her genre preferences (eg fantasy or fables or adventure) and set her reading level (choices were above, at or below her grade level) and the website gave her a wonderful list to hit the library with.
It was very effective-she really needed to practice after tutoring and vision therapy. The website was great-helping us choose apprpriate books and then providing the quizzes. The website is free.
more summer ideas
These are both great ideas. I liked the book adventure website. What about little kids? Kindergarten and First Grade?
Re: summer ideas?
Thanks for the Book Adventure site. I have been busy matching tests with books we already have in our classroom. One student had just finished a book that had a test available and she took the test. 40% first time through, so we printed it out and researched some questions. She took the test again and scored 80%. She was quite pleased and I am happy to have the followup for books my students read.
The web site also has a teacher/parent area where you can setup an incentive system. the nice thing is that the website tracks all the points from book quizzes. so many points is a trip to … ice cream parlor, fast food treat, the zoo,or an mp3 player.
Check your library. Our local library also sponsors a summer reading incentive program. Librarians and volunteers ask the questions and award the points-top prizes are boom boxes, etc. sometimes nice to have a new face asking about your books!
Find a novel & read to ‘em… once they’re good and hooked, take turns. **make an appointment and schedule it.***