Hello, I am new to this website but have really enjoyed reading all the great information and ideas from other moms. I have a 13 year old son that is ADD/LD. While math is his weakest area, most other subjects are affected due to his slow processing and short term memory. In the past, I was with the county and had him evaluated each year and that worked out great, but they offer no diploma. So I put him under a private umbrella school and they require either standardized testing or the Kaufman Individual Test. My problem is with testing in general. Standardized testing is too long and difficult for him to understand and the Kaufman puts alot of pressure on him since it is oral .The fact that testing covers so much at one time and because of his short term memory, even if he knows how to do it, he forgets alot, so in essence it really does not give you a good picture of what he knows. Any suggestions for children with these types of problems and testing? It just seems so unfair, effects his self esteem, and breaks my heart. Thanks for any suggestions.