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Text Aloud

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Has anyone used the text to speech program Text Aloud that can be downloaded from the internet? What text to speech programs do people use? Thanks.

Submitted by KTJ on Wed, 04/06/2005 - 2:14 PM


I use a number of them including TextAloudMP3. This one, available at is inexpensive and allows you to also buy better quality voices (AT&T Natural Voices and NeoSpeech Kate and Paul).

My ninth grade son chose to read his English book, To Kill a Mockingbird, while listening to it with his iPod and following along and highlighting it in his book. Otherwise, it would have taken him four times as long (we’ve timed him) to read each chapter, even as his fluency, rate and automaticity are improving. He’s able to handle his college prep courses more easily because of his use of text-to-speech for both reading and writing.

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