I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to answer my question about what grade should be given an incomplete assignment. Some of you were interested in what the final result was. I posted that the teacher gave the whole class over the weekend to finish their stories seeing a good number of them did not finish, some had not even started. I had shared your responses with my daughter on what her best course of action should of been. She agreed that the best course would of been to come up with an ending whether she was happy with it or not. As a matter of fact that is what she wound up doing since she lost her inspiration for the story. She went through several endings and when it became apparent to her she was not really happy with any of them she just picked one and went with it. At no time during this whole process did she ever let any other assignment slide, actually she always addressed these first. She is not looking forward to the teacher reading her story since she feels it will be apparent that she lost her inspiration. She is pleased with herself in that she completed the assignment with all required items and a few optional ones. My suggestion to her was once she felt the inspiration again should could always revise the story. She has written a number of stories and poems for no reason other then she felt like it, so why not revise the story when she is ready. Thanks again for the valuable input.
Sounds like your daughter learne alot this go ‘round. Probably, hearing from others besides “just Mom” helped too. It sounds like you have a definite writer on your hands!