HI there- I’m and ADD parent working with my ADD six year old in preparation for first grade.
Mostly, I’m heartened to realize that she understands and is retaining far more than testing has indicated. Still, I think I’ve found one of the roots to our problems- she has problems with visual tracking- if left alone, she can’t read at all- she can only read with me pointing to each word. She has the same problem counting and with addition. I can see her eyes jumping all over the place.
We’re working on memorizing the process, we count/read from left to right from the top to the bottom of the page, but it’s still slow going.
I know that when school starts and she doesn’t have an oversized finger sitting next to her, she’ll be lost again. How can I help her with this?
Re: visual tracking and ADD
Thanks, Nancy. I do this myself, and didn’t realize that it was something that there is treatment to correct. I’ve got an inital vision screening and will go from there.
Thanks again!
Re: visual tracking and ADD
http://www.childrensvision.com has quite a bit of information about children’s vision problems.
My only caution about the vision screening is that it needs to be done by a developmental optometrist. Regular screenings and eye exams — whether done by an opthalmologist or an optometrist — do not evaluate visual efficiency problems such as tracking.
Good luck!
The best way to approach this problem is with vision therapy, but first you need to get a developmental vision evaluation.
If money for therapy is tight, you may want to visit http://www.homevisiontherapy.com to find a developmental optometrist in your area who is licensed to dispense vision therapy software (computer software). I believe it is quite effective for resolving tracking problems.
Otherwise, you can visit http://www.covd.org to find a board-certified developmental optometrist in your area. It’s a good idea to ask up-front if the optometrist is willing to design a primarily home-based program of vision therapy if it is needed (to keep costs down). Many will, but some do only in-office therapy which is very expensive.