Literacy is an ongoing process that begins at birth and develops throughout life. Infants and toddlers interact with the world to acquire the skills that will help them to eventually read, write, and communicate with others. These interactions may not occur easily for children with disabilities due to any number of limitations, such as restricted mobility, auditory or visua limpairments, or difficulty using hands and arms. Luckily, AT can easily be used with literacy-promoting activities.
This 8-page guide includes sections on:
- Early characteristics of literacy
- Why promote literacy in infants and toddlers?
- Incorporating literacy into activities
- How to use AT in literacy-promoting activities
The Center on Technology and Disability(opens in a new window) (CTD) helps children and youth with disabilities and their families, teachers, and service providers by providing a wide range of resources on assistive and instructional technology tools. CTD is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) under award #H327F130003.