Who Should be on the Team?
Ideally, the School Leadership Team should include a school leader (principal or assistant principal), as well as those representing curriculum, technology, professional development, assessment, special education, and ELL. Realistically, the composition of teams may vary given overlapping roles, funding, demographics, school size, and other factors. Who is or should be on the team in your school?
Once a team is formed, the members need to (1) schedule meetings to be held on regular basis and (2) develop communication plan for team members and with the school. Use this module(opens in a new window) to help your team get started.
How Does the Team Guide and Support Implementation?
The chart below lists five recommendations for Leadership Teams and suggested action steps.
Recommendations | Action Steps |
Enhance Your Vision And Set Goals |
Gather Data To Drive Decision Making |
Define Your Technology Budget |
Plan Professional Learning Opportunities |
Provide Technology Access And Support |
Review all of the recommendations in more detail(opens in a new window). Find specific strategies for translating the recommendations into action with the Support Modules(opens in a new window).