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Catherine Snow

Articles by this author

English Language Learners & LD

Preventing Difficulties for Low English Proficiency Children

Hispanic students in the United States are at especially high risk of reading difficulties. Despite progress over the past 15 to 20 years, they are about twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to read well below average for their age.

About LD

Reading Difficulties and Family History

Knowing children with a family history of difficulties are more likely to have trouble learning to read means that efforts can be made with these children to prevent difficulties from developing.

Reading & Dyslexia

Socioeconomics and Reading Difficulties

Socioeconomic differences are conventionally indexed by such demographic variables as household income and parents’ education and occupation, alone or in some weighted combination.

A young girl reading a book

Reading & Dyslexia

Who Are the Children Who Have Reading Difficulties?

Knowing which children are more likely to be at risk for reading problems allows for early intervention to prevent the majority of these problems from developing. Learn what group and individual factors make certain children at risk.

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