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wilson reading program

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I know I have heard of Wilson Reading Program but don’t remember good or bad.

My son’s school will be getting it. Would libraires have any Wilson books?


Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/24/2002 - 10:27 PM


It’s good :) It’s one of the Orton-Gillingham family, especially designed for older students.

Of course, any program is as good as the teacher.

I doubt a library would carry the program.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 12:39 AM


Sue wrote:
> It’s good :) It’s one of the Orton-Gillingham family,
> especially designed for older students.
> Of course, any program is as good as the teacher.

Yes, but it is still better than the “nobody knows what” approach that, for example, has been used so far with my son. At least it forces the teacher to be somehow systematic et.c.

But you are right- the best tool will not help much without skills how to use it :-))

> I doubt a library would carry the program.

Our library had the student’s books, which did not really tell much.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 10:06 AM


Wilson is an excellent program and that is an Orton-Gillingham based system. I can personally testify that it works as both a parent and as a recently trained Wilson teacher. Wilson teachers should be certified by Wilson and in the New England area it is widely used by many school systems and there are many certified teachers.

Wilson is generally taught 1:1 and to be of benefit should be scheduled 2-3 times a week. The more the better. It is not a “quick fix”. Depending on the child’s age, reading ability, amd degree of LD a child could be receiving Wilson instruction for years.

My son has been receiving Wilson instruction for the last three years and he has reached Step 6 out of a total of 12. The first 6 steps in Wilson teach the basics and once a student has mastered these 6 steps they are readers. My son is now in 6th grade and his reading has taken off this year and he is writing his assignments on his own! Last year he dictated everything. If you’d like more information don’t hesitate to ask.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 3:22 PM


good to hear good news!!!

My son is in 4th grade and is receiving Wilson daily 1:1 (actually it does not happen daily, but that’s what his IEP calls for). We had to fight quite a fight to have it happen this way, but your e-mail is ensuring me that we did the right thing.
He is in the 4th step now.

My son’s writing has been improving GREATLY this year, mostly due to the classroom teacher effort- what a pity he will not teach my son next year ;_((
Spelling is still an issue, but when the errors are pointed to him and I would ask: say the word, say the first sound, say the second sound et.c. he will on many occasions correct the mistake by himself- it does not however happen without my assistance.

However: your saying
“..and in the New England area it is widely used by many school systems and there are many certified teachers…”

is not quite correct; there are not that many in CT (i do have the exact list somewhere, but as far as I remember there are 20-30 teachers in the whole state) and in my town there are none. My son’s teacher is just using it, but as I said the program even when used by non-certified teacher is better than whatever she was doing with him so far. I bought the program for home and did the initial steps 1 and 2 with my son over the summer before we got the school to buy it.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 6:02 PM


Thank you so much. I am glad to hear my son will finally get a good program. He is 9 and the ld programs here are limited so he ends up with the same teacher two years in a row.

I had him tutored 2x a week this year and his reading level went from 1.1 grade to 2.5 which is an improvement. He tries and is proud of his reading. At school his teacher has no method to how she selects reading books and definately no program.

Are there ways to find Cert. Wilson teachers?

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 6:33 PM


I got it via e-mail from

“Danielle Ferreira”

you need to tell her whoch state you are interested in.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/25/2002 - 6:35 PM


The frequency and intensity are often more important than the program (this is borne out by research as well as personal experience). Let’s face it, if you are learning to take piano lessons, you may have a lesson each week but you’re supposed to practice *daily.*
You can help by reading with your kid and supporting what they’re learning - trading paragraphs and encouraging them to break words into syllables & sound ‘em out.

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