My son will be moving on to high school in a year.
We always work on something during the summer
and I think it really helps.
My main concern for high school is for him to be
able to take notes and then read them later.
Is there a program, work book, suggestions or bag of tricks
out there to help my son take notes - something
we can practice over the summer?
Re: Summer is over :-)
I’m planning ahead for next summer as I have
been burned ordering stuff in May and not
having it work on our computer until the following
October - long, long, LONG frustrating story!
This school year he works along just fine. Due
to fatigue factor we tend to work on current school
work and I show him lots of tricks and methods
but I’m not going to do *extra* programs during
the school year. He has a wonderful SE teacher
this year!!! yahoo!!!
As I have two older children in high school and I
see the intensity of their work I was hoping there
was a program, computer or paper, that specifically
deals with note taking.
Re: Summer is over :-)
I really like the book, Learning Outside the Lines. It’s by two college students, one with dyslexia and the other with ADHD. The book is packed with practical information such as good ways to take notes, how to organize a planner, how to use books on tape, etc.
Re: Let me look at my resources
>>I have a great study skills book by Joan Sedita from Landmark School.<<
This looks good too, I’ve heard of Landmark School and it sounds
like a wonderful place.
Do you mean next summer…If so, there are some things you can do this school year, too.