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question about WJ eval

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I wanted to ask your opinions about the scoring and summary of the reading part of the WJ III administered to my son this past Feb. He is currently an 8th grader, inattentive adhd, OHI sp.ed qualified (4th grade because of reading issues) included in all reg. classes with support and accommodations, this was part of his triennial, he still qualifies under OHI.

Broad Reading 95(93-94) SS 36(32-39) Perc.
*letter/word ID 100(97-102) SS 49(42-55) Perc.
*reading fluency 94(92-96) SS 34(30-39) Perc.
*passage comprehension 90(85-94)SS 23(16-34) Perc.

C was able to read many words, such as achieved, experience, moustache therapeutic and magnanimous. He had good sight word recognition. When he came to a word that he did not know, he would state, I have never seen this before, and then continued to try. Reading comprehension was slightly more difficult. C frequently guessed at the words and used poor decoding skills.

The scores are pretty solidly average but the reference to poor decoding skills makes me nervous. His grades in English these past 3 yrs of middle school have been very good amazingly. 8th grade math has been our struggle this past year.

Does this look like he needs an intervention of any sort and what would you suggest? Is he too old for reading reflex? This was a kid who learned to read in 2nd grade, had reading class during school days 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades (then pulled out for lang.arts/reading to sp.ed resource room 4th and 5th ). The same reading teacher tutored him over the summers after 2nd and 3rd grades, he had an afterschool tutor in 4th.

I just want to make sure I am doing what needs to be done so he won’t flounder in high school next year. He has been rather protected in the DODDS school system these past 3 years.

Thanks y’all!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/24/2003 - 12:01 AM



I would go through Reading Reflex with him. It sounds like he did not develop all those decoding skills. Give him the pe-tests to find out where he is weak. He could use some fluency work, too. Here’s a source of fluency materials: (multi-sequence speed drills)

If these areas are improved, the comprehension may improve automatically, but if not, I’d get the book Visualizing and Verbalizing from Lindamood-Bell.


Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/24/2003 - 7:02 PM


I appreciate your reply, I thought I needed to find him something but wasn’t really sure where to start at his age. I wish internet access had been available 8 yrs ago! I have learned so much from this board over the past few years.
Best wishes.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/24/2003 - 8:38 PM


I’ve learned a lot here myself, Amy!

The great thing about Reading Reflex (Phono-Graphix) is that it can work for any age. It’s never too late! Good luck with it!


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